Does Andy Griffuth Het Married Again

When Andy Taylor meets Helen Crump, everything changes for Mayberry's virtually eligible bachelor. The wedlock talk starts most right away (although Barney's the i initiating all of information technology), but in reality, Andy and Helen took their time getting to know each other through a lot of ups and downs in the five seasons they spent dating.

Practice you lot remember every minute of Mayberry'south sweetest love story? In honour of Valentine's Solar day, nosotros recreated all the romance beneath, and then yous can encounter in i scroll the consummate history of Andy and Helen's beloved on The Andy Griffith Show.

Andy's first impression that he makes on Helen Crump is definitely not a good ane. He's foolishly put the notion in Opie'due south head that the history lessons Miss Crump is education are beyond Opie's age, so Opie'southward told his instructor he doesn't demand to listen. When Helen goes to confront Andy, sparks do not fly, at to the lowest degree non for the teacher, who refuses to call him anything but Sheriff Taylor in her about pained voice.

She leaves in a huff after asking Andy for but one affair: "Would you delight practice me simply one favor? But stay out of my business, please."

Of course, Andy doesn't stay out of her concern, and instead inserts himself dorsum into the situation further, getting the boys to reverse their bad beliefs in Miss Crump's form. The teacher notices, and when she comes to thank Andy for the deviation he's made in her pupils, Andy asks her if he can walk her home. It's the get-go glimpse we take of the two exchanging glances.

The very next episode featuring Helen Crump is appropriately chosen "A Wife for Andy," but in the episode, it's not just Helen after Andy, it's practically the whole town, equally Barney seeks a soulmate for his best pal. Sensing Andy's interest in Helen, Barney invites Helen to dinner at Thelma Lou's without telling Andy she'll exist there. So Andy's surprised to see Helen, looking beautiful in sparkling earrings and the first of many broaches nosotros see the lady wear on engagement nights.

"Yous know I hardly recognized you without your uniform," Helen tells Andy before Barney badgers her into admitting she doesn't know how to melt a leg of lamb – Andy's favorite. Instead, she tells Barney, her future husband volition have to settle for frozen dinners.

Good thing Andy says, "What's wrong with frozen dinners, Befouled? They're adept. I similar 'em."

We don't see Helen again until season 4, when she makes a brief and 100% professional person appearance in "Opie'southward Sick-gotten Gains" to alert Andy that Opie's lying about a fault on his report menu. Two episodes later, though, nosotros become to run into Andy and Helen'due south first appointment in "A Date for Gomer."

In "A Date for Gomer," Helen and Andy go on a triple date with Thelma Lou and Barney, as well as Gomer and one of Thelma Lou'due south cousins.

When Andy kickoff sees Helen, he says, "Y'all wait lovely." She thanks him and says, "Yous look awful nice."

Barney lets it slip that Andy let him press his britches before their date, trying to prove to Helen that Andy likes her. By the cease of the episode, Thelma Lou's slapped Barney, Gomer and the cousin discover they're first-class trip the light fantastic partners, and Andy'south made his 2d appointment with Helen, the woman he'll one solar day ally.

Andy and Helen'south next appointment came with "Barney and the Cave Rescue." It opens with Andy and Helen and Barney and Thelma Lou on a double engagement picnic. Andy and Helen break away to see a cave he explored when he was a boy, and once she peers inside, Andy says, "You're non afraid of the nighttime, are you?" Helen says, "Well, you've got a flashlight."

Andy gets a lilliputian flirty and says, "Well, if we find a prissy comfy place in there, the batteries might run down."

The couple – definitely now a couple – share a knowing laugh, but the laughter stops when they cease up getting lost in the cave. Withal, information technology results in this precious moment, the first time we see Andy protecting Helen. For what information technology's worth, he does go her out of the cave, both emerging from the cavern a trivial soiled from the experience.

Information technology wouldn't be a dear story without a beginning fight, though, and that comes in the episode called "Fun Girls." The episode starts with Thelma Lou and Helen begging Andy to put off his and Barney'south piece of work for the dark and get see a movie with them. Andy says they can't considering they need the next night to take the girls to the dance. Later, when the "fun girls" show upward, Andy and Barney pack them into the squad car, but to be seen past Thelma Lou and Helen leaving the movies.

This doesn't sit well with the girls, who cancel their plans for the dance the next night. High jinks ensue when the girls arrive at the dance with Gomer and Goober, and Andy and Barney with their fun girls, but don't worry. Andy and Helen brand up, and Andy lovingly holds Helen's face up equally he says, "You're pretty, you know that?"

Next comes "The Rumor," an episode where Barney catches Helen and Andy smooching in a jewelry store and starts a rumor that they're getting married.

Barney responds past throwing a surprise political party to congratulate them, and the whole party goes on upwards to Andy's room, which they've decorated just for the soon-to-exist newlyweds. When Andy corrects the whole town, he suggests they get have a party anyway, and he and Helen talk information technology out.

In the end, they both agree that they're not set up to get married, just Andy ends the conversation with a teasing notion that, "I look we'll both know when we're set."

It becomes clear at the beginning of the 5th season that Opie does not withal know about dad'southward new girlfriend. In "Opie Loves Helen," Opie develops a crush on his teacher, and Andy has to figure out how to tell Opie that he's the one dating Helen.

Helen tries to get out of the uncomfortable talk, but Andy tells her, "No, no, no. You stay." He sits them both downwards, and information technology's the offset fourth dimension Helen'south been part of these almost intimate father-son moments, a glimpse of her joining the family.

At the end of the talk, Opie leaps to the conclusion we all want: "You hateful, you and Miss Crump might go married anytime?"

Andy's response is coy, "Oh, I dunno. We might."

Over the next few episodes with Helen, nosotros watch Ernest T. Bass try and steal her away from Andy, and we even see Andy and Helen get to more bickering when Barney and Thelma Lou have a fight that leads to everyone fighting everybody. Luckily the next big Helen-and-Andy date is merely around the corner.

In "Andy and Helen Take Their Day," Andy's just trying to take Helen on a squeamish picnic lunch, only everybody in town keeps interrupting — even in the middle of the woods!

At the end of the episode, again, Barney assumes they are getting married, and Andy and Helen have to insist again that they are non, only this fourth dimension, the hard conversation takes place in front of Opie. Once they smooth it over with Ope, Andy and Helen go their alone time, cuddled upward listening to music. Andy says, "Prissy, isn't it?"

Of course, Barney interrupts that, likewise.

The whole "Are they getting married?" thing continues into "Three Wishes for Opie," where Barney thinks Opie wished on an oil lamp for Andy to marry Helen and once more gets the boondocks talking nuptials not notwithstanding scheduled by the actual couple. This time, Helen gets mad, merely it's all smoothed over in time for Andy and Barney to be so smitten with their girlfriends that they try to edge Goober out from tagging along on their dates. This leads us to the outset moment when Helen truly gets jealous of another woman with Andy…

In "Guest in the House," a close friend of Andy's family unit, Gloria, comes to stay, and Helen can't aid just notice how pretty she is.

Andy pretends not to notice what Helen means, then later on, they all take dinner at Andy'due south before Helen and Andy have a movie date, and Andy invites Gloria along too. On top of that, he invites her forth on their next date, also. In the end, information technology works out that Gloria has her own guy, and Helen sums it up saying, "Things got a little glutinous at that place," to which Andy replies, "I don't know what y'all're talking almost."

As the love story continues, we sentry as Aunt Bee worries she'south getting in the fashion of Andy and Helen's marriage and the return of the fun girls leads to more than jealousy from Helen, but soon enough, it's Andy's turn to experience the burn of jealousy…

In "Andy's Rival," a visiting teacher seems to offer Andy some competition for Helen'southward admiration, and when Andy meets him, it bruises his conviction just a chip. Only look at how Andy's sitting on the arm of the couch to figure out his condolement level of Helen adjacent to another man on his own sofa.

Later the teacher even gives Andy a run for his coin on the guitar, apparently a virtuoso.

Nigh the end of the episode, Andy walks into the diner and sees Helen with the teacher, and he loses his mind, eventually accusing Helen of "running with" the strange man.

Helen stands up for herself, and she and Andy have it out, until the tension builds and Andy can't stand it. He kisses the woman he loves.

Over the next few episodes, we go on another disastrous picnic, Helen gets upset about a publicity photo of Andy with a famous moving picture star, Andy gets hounded my Flora Malherbe for a appointment, the couple tries their own manus at matchmaking with Howard Sprague and a new woman in town, and Helen's niece even comes to boondocks and develops a crush on Opie.

The couple charges through it all together. That is until Andy's ex shows upward...

By the time we sentinel "Andy's Old Girlfriend," we know full well that Helen has a chip of a jealous streak. So, when nosotros see Andy greet his onetime flame by whistling and saying, "You await pretty as ever!" we know that trouble is coming.

The trouble ends up beingness that Andy and the other girl get lost together in the wood, a story Helen finds suspicious until Andy is able to show her how like shooting fish in a barrel information technology is to get lost. They make up… Only THEN!

Again it'due south Andy's plough to be jealous, this fourth dimension of the publisher who agrees to publish Helen's book, which Andy says will make Mayberry "the literary center of the Southward." Every bit the whole town gossips about how Andy volition be wealthy equally the hubby of an authoress, Andy beard at beingness a "kept" human, rather than a constable.

Andy lets it go to him, and he yells at Helen that he doesn't have to sit down around and wait for her as she finishes her book bargain. He asks out someone else on a engagement!

The date is just awful, and past the episode stop, Andy says he sees no reason why a lady author and a sheriff wouldn't get along just fine.

Perhaps the end of the jealousy arrives in the eighth flavour with the episode "Andy'southward Trip to Raleigh." In information technology, Andy travels to meet a lawyer who turns out to be a actually pretty blonde adult female. Knowing how jealous Helen gets, Andy keeps the woman's looks a secret. In fact, he doesn't even tell her she was a woman. (This should end well.)

When Helen finds out, Andy pretends he didn't skirt effectually that conversation on purpose, but Helen'south not buying it, so then Andy doubles down on his lie.

He describes the woman every bit unattractive in keen detail. This is Helen's confront when she eventually sees the lawyer:

Don't worry, though. Andy fixes information technology all with some processed.

Over the form of their relationship, we watched Andy and Helen tell each other niggling harmless lies hither and in that location, but nil like the whopper Andy believes he stumbles on when he finds an old news clipping that seems to reveal Helen's scandalous past.

In it, Helen's being arrested, apparently in connexion to gangsters in Kansas Urban center. Of course, Andy jumps to some wild conclusions, launching his own investigation into her history, merely past the episode's end, it'south niggling Opie pointing out that next time Andy wants to know something near Helen, he should simply ask her himself.

The Andy Griffith Show ends without seeing Andy and Helen married, but the very first episode of its spin-offMayberry R.F.D. fixed that quick enough.

When Miss Crump walked down the aisle with Andy Taylor, it satisfied five seasons of ups and downs that kept fans glued to the TV virtually every bit much as all the laughs. Mayhap the only person who was waiting for this to happen even more than than fans was Barney Fife.

What was your favorite moment between Andy and Helen during their whole relationship? Swoon with us in the comments.

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