Can I Upload an Episode to Share It Later on Spreaker?

Podcast transcription converts your sound file into a text document. From SEO optimization to giving your audience another way to eat your content, transcribing your episodes has several advantages.

Done successfully, podcast SEO allows you to tap into new traffic that was not accessible earlier. As a effect, it significantly increases episode findability, grows download numbers, and ultimately gets your evidence more listeners.

According to Edison Research, virtually listeners observe podcasts in iii ways:

  1. Searching on the spider web (73% of US podcast listeners)

  2. Discussion of mouth: social media, friends, and other podcast hosts recommendations.

  3. Top charts of podcast apps and app recommendations: y'all open the app and start listening to the most pop shows.

If yous really want to give SEO the best shot, your podcast needs a website of some kind. A standalone website in WordPress is undoubtedly the best option for full blogging functionality. Other options that might be easier to navigate if you want a beginner-friendly website builder are Wix and Squarespace.

Whatsoever y'all chose, the central here is to provide Google with at to the lowest degree one text version of your episode, as Google can "read" text easier than audio (at least for at present).

In this article, we're going to walk you through iii of the options you'll discover out there to automatically transcribe your podcast episodes: YouTube, Temi and Descript.

YouTube Transcription (gratuitous)

YouTube is by far the virtually known platform to share video content. YouTube Studio lets yous add closed explanation to whatever of the videos you have uploaded to your YouTube channel.

The feature produces a reasonably expert transcription of any video and, of course, of any podcast you accept uploaded on your YouTube channel - another reason to share your podcast on YouTube.

Please annotation that, every bit stated by Google, automatic captioning may non be working in the post-obit cases:

"If your video doesn't generate automated captions, information technology could be due to ane or more of the following reasons: The captions aren't available withal due to processing complex audio in the video. Automatic captions don't support the linguistic communication in the video. The video is too long."

1) Share your episode on YouTube

To transcribe your episode using YouTube, you need to share it on YouTube beginning. Spreaker integrates with YouTube and allows y'all to send any of your episodes to YouTube straight. Head to your Spreaker CMS with your calculator, select your podcast and click the Share icon for the episode you desire to share on YouTube. You'll find the "YouTube" option.

You'll be redirected to the page below, where you'll be required to click on "Share" in order to start the sharing process that could last a few seconds.

A "Shared" dark-green label volition inform you that the sharing procedure is completed, at the same time a handy link to your YouTube videos will be prompted. Click on the link and proceed to the next step.

2) Subtitles option

The folio you come across hither is YouTube Studio, in which you'll notice all videos uploaded to your YouTube channel, including the podcast episode that you shared at step 1. You should at present click on "Subtitles" at the left column menu.

3) Select the video

Select the podcast to be transcribed by clicking on the video corresponding to the podcast episode shared at stride i.

4) Choose your language

Cull the language spoken on your episode from one of the options at the drop-down card and click "ostend."

5) Brandish the transcription

Click on "Indistinguishable AND EDIT" to view the transcription.

When the modal window pops up, yous can copy and paste the transcription or click on the three dots card to download it.

Temi - Audio to Text Automatic Transcription (Pay per minute)

Temi is an online service defended to the transcription of sound files.

The toll model is a standard pay as you go, yous pay a fixed amount for each minute of sound transcription.

Temi points out that for professional person transcription, the audio quality is crucial. They provide examples of good and bad quality sound files that you can refer to in order to sympathize and meet their ideal requirements.

Follow the steps below to automatically create a transcription of your podcast episodes using Temi.

i) Download the audio file

Head to your Spreaker CMS with your computer, select one or more episodes to download and click on the download icon at the very bottom of the page.

2) Select the audio file

Head to Temi and click on the Select audio/video file button to select the audio you downloaded at footstep 1.

A pop-up dialog window volition ask you to confirm that the audio used matches the requirements.

Once you lot click Go on, you'll exist asked to inform the email address where yous'll receive the audio transcription.

3) View and edit the transcription

In a few minutes, you'll receive an email, similar the one beneath, containing a link to your transcription.

Past clicking on VIEW TRANSCRIPTION you will be redirected to the Temi website where you'll exist asked to cull a password.

Your episode transcription is ready to be edited! As you see in the sample below, Temi highlights in red all the words that may need your attending.

4) Download the transcription

The upper right push allows you to download your transcription.

Earlier downloading the file, you will see some format options to chose from.

For the sake of podcast episode transcription, the all-time options to use are in-line and Obviously-Text.

Descript (flat fee)

Descript is an innovative and professional (yet like shooting fish in a barrel to use) audio/video creator tool.

Amongst many features, it includes a powerful transcription functionality. Check out this video to take a glimpse of what you tin exercise using Descript.

Descript'south price model consists of a fixed fee per month, but earlier committing to a paid subscription, you can test all of their features using a gratuitous account (3 hours of sound transcription included).

i) Download the app

Descript is a standalone application available for Mac and Windows, and you can download it directly from their website. Once the app is installed, yous'll exist required to log in or sign-up to create a new account.

2) Transcription

It's time to select the blazon of projection, and the option you should cull in guild to transcribe an audio file is "Transcription."

3) Create your start project

Before you beginning playing around with Descript, take a wait at their tutorial videos.

Tap the "New Project" button on the upper correct corner to create a new projection (you'll exist asked to assign the project a proper name).

4) Upload your audio file

As y'all saw in the previous tutorial for Temi, you can easily download your podcast sound files from the Spreaker CMS. When your new Descript project is ready, you can upload the audio file y'all want to transcribe.

v) Transcribe

We recommend you inform how many speakers are in your podcast episode. This style, your transcription will be more accurate.

6) Edit

Descript also provides tools for reviewing and editing your transcription. To get more than insights on the platform, we recommend looking at the dedicated tutorials you lot will find in the Descript awarding.

7) Export

Download the transcription by clicking on the Share button in the upper right corner.

A modal window will pop up, giving you the option of choosing the text file format. Click on Consign, and the text version of your episode is set up for you!


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